Please note that you are now able to check all account charges on the app.

Before filling out a form, check below to see if your question is answered in our FAQ section.



Q: Why did I receive a charge on or around the 20th that is different from my dues?
We bill all “no show” or “late cancellation” fees on the 20th of the month. Any class you sign up for to reserve a spot that you either don’t show up to, or that you cancel less than 45 minutes before start time incurs a $5 fee. These charges are accumulated over the course of the month and charged once a month on the 20th. For example, if you incur 3 of these charges over the course of the month, instead of being billed 3 separate times for $5, you will be billed once on the 20th for $15.

Q: What is this $5 charge on my account?
Most likely this is a no show or late cancellation fee that applies when you either no show to a class you registered for or cancelled less than 45 minutes before the start of the class


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